by Anna R. Dias N.D.

Hello, in the last month I have attended an event called Manage your energy not your time, and I have gained valuable insight that I would like to share with you all.

Most of us respond to life demands by putting in longer hours which inevitably take a toll on us, physically, mentally, emotionally, and is energy depleting.

So, what can we change evidently to help gain energy and manage our time in a sustainable way?

Establishing simple rituals,

  • Expressing appreciation to others, is a powerful ritual that fuels positive emotions, it seems to be as beneficial to the giver as to the receiver, it can take the form of a handwritten note, call or a conversation. In my experiences expressing gratitude helps reclaim your energy, when we think positive, it seems easier to shift our focus towards the next task , on the other hand, when we think or speak negative the emotion is distributed poorly, making that emotion the focal point of the day. Let me explain, if we say something kind to someone, most of the time they will react with a smile or a sense of love, hence the energy will be felt in abundance and positiveness will be carried throughout the day. But, if the reverse should happen and you are boorish with someone, the reactive response might be negative, hence causing a ripple of events to be negative.
  • Focusing on one thing at time: It has been said that anyone focused on one task at a time will obtain better concentration and higher Focusing on one thing frees up space in our mind to store all the inside story associated with our one goal. Also, it brings more productivity. Instead of channeling our complete focus and energy into one task, we spread it thin, which prevents us from diving deep into any one of our tasks. When we multitask, we do a mediocre job of everything. In 2010, Harvard psychologists Matthew Killingsworth and Daniel Gilbert discovered that 47% of our waking hours are spent thinking about something totally unrelated to what’s currently right in front of us. Although, our brains may initially resist single tasking because it is less stimulating. Single- tasking helps us build up our attention muscle, because every time we rein our attention back in, we work out our attention muscle, and develop our executive functioning such as flexible thinking memory, planning- prioritizing, task initiation and planning.
  • Spend time on activities that give you a sense of purpose. When there is a sense of purpose on what you are doing, it raises a great deal of satisfaction in the physical level (increasing dopamine and serotonin) which creates happier selves’ and connections to a higher spiritual level. The happier we are, the better we can perform and live in alignment with what you truly value.

In the long haul conserving our energy and stepping into these rituals can help us get closer to our health goals and manage our daily grind in a more productive way, therefore giving us the freedom to build healthier choices. As mundane as these rituals can be, putting them into practice has made a positive difference in my daily life and I hope I can inspire others to the same.

I will be taking a break from blogging and will be back with new posts in the fall Sept. Please feel free to send me, any comments on topics that anyone wishes for me to elaborate in my next posts.

Wishing Good Health and Good Living Anna R. Dias N.D

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