Dr. Jonathan Parker, Personal Transformation Counselor and Author
Dr. Jonathan Parker
Phone sessions available
Oak View, California
United States

Dr. Jonathan Parker is the founder and director of Quantum Quests International and has been a groundbreaking thought leader for more than 40 years. He is considered one of the country's foremost experts on subtle-energies, higher states of consciousness, and the effects they have on a person's health, relationships, finances, and spirituality.

He is an intuitive counselor, workshop facilitator, and author of one of the largest self-development audio libraries in the world. It is his voice you will hear on all the programs we offer. His most recent best selling book is titled "The Soul Solution" has been transforming the lives of many thousands.

Jonathan's programs have been used by many companies, clinics, schools, universities, prisons, and health professionals, athletes, doctors, judges, and the clergy of many denominations and faiths.

Discover How To Erase Your Negative Thoughts & Toxic Emotions:

This FREE Video Exposes a Unique “Soul-Centered” Trick to Stop Being Triggered & find Unbeatable Optimism and Authentic Happiness... Visit his other website Let Go Secret  https://www.letgosecret.com

You can also visit his YouTube channel:  https://www.youtube.com/@heartWithLight/videos

Distance Healing, Energy Healing, Guided Imagery, Life Coaching, Meditation, Metaphysics, Psychic, Remote Healing, Spiritual Counseling