Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences Blog and Newsletter
ACCHS blog features articles, posts, or other types of content related to Indigenous health, culture, and community. ACCHS is the third-oldest TCM school in the USA, and one of the few teaching classical Chinese medicine as it is practiced in China, including acupuncture, Tui Na, acupressure, moxibustion, herbal prescription, Taiji (tai-chi) and meditation.
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Acne Supplements Critic – Blog Reviews of Acne Treatment Supplement Pills
Acne Supplements Critic brings you reviews about vitamins, pills, and supplements for acne treatment for all types of people to help achieve clear skin. We break down each product by our experience, it's ingredients, as well as the positives and negatives they possess such as side effects. We explain each product in the greatest amount of detail possible so you can know what the top products.
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A Healing Place – Blog
I invite you to check out A Healing Place blog. I have information about Intuitive Readings and Intuitive Energetic Healing sessions. You can also find posts about other spiritual and metaphysical topics that I am interested in. I also post about healing and intuitive specials that I have going on. I look forward to you visiting my site.
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Angela’s Amplified Universe Update Newsletter
Angela’s newsletter is always changing. Amplifying our and the universe's energy. She will cover current events or energies that are important for us to understand. Working intimately with a team on the other side that may include past loved ones, angelic realms, earth energies, star nations and more. Those on the other side communicate what they feel would be helpful to the people here.
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Animal Communication Newsletter with Shirley Scott
Free monthly newsletter from Shirley Scott - Animal Communicator and founder of Animal Rescue Ranch. Discover who you are and why you are here. Learn how to create and manifest your own dreams to live life you are supposed to live.  Find your path to happiness and fulfillment today! 
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Animal Reiki Source Blog and Newsletter
Check out Kathleen's blog and subscribe to Kathleen's Animal Reiki Source Newsletter to get the latest news and information on Reiki for animals around the world. I invite you to take my hand and walk with me on this amazing journey of healing transformation for your heart, the hearts of the animals, and the heart of the planet.
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Anti-EMF Radiation Redemption Shield Blog
Explore our informative blog covering various topics on 5G and EMF protection. Dive into expert insights and practical tips to shield yourself from electromagnetic radiation. Stay informed about the latest developments and solutions in the field of EMF protection on our blog.
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Aroma Sensations Newsletter
Aromatherapy is a timeless holistic healing method going back over a thousand years. Our 100% natural product utilizes the therapeutic and medicinal properties of the Essential Oils to enhance the environment around you. Aroma Sensations is very proud to introduce you to our aromatic essential oils in a revolutionary format. Sign up for our Newsletter for Sales, Discounts and FREE stuff!!!
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AromaTherapeutix – Health Products Newsletter and Catalog
We offer over 170 single-note aromatherapy grade essential oils. Also blends, perfumes, and natural body care products. You will not find higher quality oils at better prices because we purchase directly from distillers, farmers, co-ops and boutique firms the world over. Many products are exclusive to AromaTherapeutix and available only from us. Wholesale accounts available. Request a FREE catalog.
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A Starting Point Holistic Health and Nutrition Blog
Learn about Enervating habits, Wrong food combinations, Acid/Alkaline Diets, Drinking water, Rest and Relaxation, Meditation and guided imagery. A Starting Point Holistic Health and Nutrition Center is where correcting many health disorders through the path of hygienics can change your health to change your life in 2 simple steps: 1. Stop enervating habits 2. Remove cause.
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BBS Radio and TV – Newsletter
Welcome to BBS Radio and TV with tens of thousands of archived programs in every genre imaginable. The BBS Radio and TV Newsletter is published in a natural, organic way - sporadically! It may contain announcements, information regarding the BBS Radio and TV network, scheduled programming, highlighted guests, new indie music & artists, new products and even thoughts from afar.
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BioCare Hospital and Wellness Center – Blog and Vlog
Specializing in Integrative Medicine for Cancer treatments, Chronic Inflammatory Disease, Stem Cell Therapy, Autoimmune and Degenerative Diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Hepatitis C, Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation, Rejuvenation and Anti-Aging Programs and more! Read our blog to learn health and wellness tips to help fight disease and maximize your quality of life.
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Cathryn’s Herbal Health and Wellness Blog
In my Journey to Holistic Wellness blog, I share with you posts about Overcoming Lyme Disease and its co-infections; Alternative Cancer Treatments; Herbal Remedies-Holistic health lifestyle principles-Improving your brain and memory health-Research and news and learning about women’s health naturally! Step into your journey to improved health by joining my blog.
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Class 4 Therapeutic Lasers – for Humans, Horses, Dogs & Cats – Blog
Class 4 laser therapy is a highly effective and efficient form of non-invasive, natural medicine. Used by Practitioners, Veterinarians, Equine Care Specialists, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists and more. FDA Cleared Since 2003. Many models available. Relieve both chronic and acute pain in just minutes. Read our blog for articles, clinical studies, testimonials, and learn more about this technology!
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Creative Life Sciences – Vlog
Creative Life Sciences invites you to join us on our YouTube channel. It’s where I’ll share insights, updates, and inspiration to continue supporting your growth and well-being. Each vlog episode includes information about such topics as hands on Hands on Healing, Intuition, Clairvoyance, Guides, Future Events and many more. We will be offering free meditations starting in 2025 thru this portal.
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Crystal Vibrations Blog and Newsletter
Rev. Elivia Melodey is an ordained Spiritualist medium with clairaudient, clairvoyant, and clairsentient abilities. She also offers classes on crystals, sound healing, mediumship and more. Crystal Vibrations offers crystal singing bowls, singing bowl CDs, and other sound healing products. Subscribe to Elivia's newsletter and receive a free download of "Ariadne" from Elivia's album, Celestial Memories.
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Designed 4 Healing Blog and Newsletter
Stay informed and be inspired when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. Explore holistic alternatives and broaden your horizons. Kim, owner of Designed 4 Healing authors a blog about wellness, health and herbal medicines in a holistic fashion. Read her blog and get educated in natural healing. Join her email list and receive information on promotions, educational material and more!
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Dr. Glen Matejka’s Blog
Providing Neck and Back Pain Relief Information for things you can do at home. Pass the information along to a friend or a loved one. Our goal is to help as many people as possible without harming the body & allowing YOUR body to heal & repair itself naturally like it was intended by balancing your structure, biochemistry, & mental/emotional health. This is WHEN/WHERE GREAT things happen.
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Dr. Glenn Gero’s Holistic Naturopathic Center – Vlog
Dr. Glenn Gero has appeared on numerous television and radio programs, including NBC, PIX, Fox, NJTV, among others. He analyzes each individual's health, behavioral and attitudinal profile to help achieve optimal wellness. View his videos from his appearances to learn more about Naturopathy, Functional Medicine and Optimal Wellness.
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Dr. Jonathan Parker, Personal Transformation Counselor – Blog and Newsletter
Dr. Jonathan Parker has authored and recorded one of the largest self-development audio libraries in the world! Learn about spiritual and energy healing, meditation guidance from beginner to advanced levels, how to make the laws of attraction work for you, and much more. Sign up for Dr. Jonathan Parker's newsletter and receive the latest videos, programs, blog posts and discounts.
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Dr. Lucy Cooper’s Holistic Health Blog
Read Dr. Cooper's blog to learn about natural ways to lose weight, health tips, natural ways to deal with Alzheimer's, diet and aging, exercise tips and more. Natural treatments are her specialty. She treats hundreds of diseases and disorders with natural treatments and methods.
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Dr. Nancey Kinney’s Natural Health Centre Blog & Newsletter
Your health is your most important asset! It is critical to take good care of yourself – now. In Natural Health Centre's blog, Dr. Nancey Kinney writes about Health, Nutrition, Energy and Total Mind / Body / Spirit Health. Also - sign up for her newsletter to stay up to date on health tips and new holistic options!
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Dr. Phyllis Light’s Healing Blog and Newsletter
Dr. Phyllis Light is a nationally-known intuitive healer and personal growth counselor. Phyllis' mission, along with the mission of Light Unlimited and, is to raise the level of Light and Spiritual awareness for as many people as possible. Read her blog and sign up for her empowering newsletter.
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Dr. Sandra Kamiak’s Blog
Dr. Sandra Kamiak has an MD, specialized training in psychosynthesis and psychiatry, and is also a highly qualified homeopathic doctor. She has many publications to her credit and is a well-known speaker on medical and psychiatric issues. Read her blog to learn about holistic healing, homeopathy, nutrition, psychiatric disorders and integrative psychiatry.
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Dr. Solinger’s Root Health Blog
Dr. Solinger is a Naturopathic Practitioner and a firm believer in taking a holistic approach to healing. Through Root Health L.L.C, she strives to align people and promote well-being in order to keep the mind, body, and spirit healthy. Read her blog to learn about uncovering the root causes of health issues, not just supporting symptoms.
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Dr. Steger Health Care Clinic – Blog
Dr. Steger is a World Leader in Naturopathy. Are you tired of being sick, taking drugs, and destroying your health? If you are tired of doctor shopping and can't get well, then look no further, you are looking at the healthiest doctor in this country and he can help you and your entire family. Read his articles about foods to avoid, healthy foods to eat, how to help prevent diseases, and much more!
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Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine – Blog
Dragon Rises College teaches Contemporary Oriental Medicine, a comprehensive model incorporating Traditional Chinese Medicine, 5 Element Theory, and diverse traditions of Oriental medicine. Visit our Blog for news and informational article archives.
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Edge Magazine: Curiously Exploring the pursuit of Higher Consciousness – article archive
Check out The Edge article archives. The Edge is a print and online magazine that supports holistic living, personal growth and conscious awakening. The Edge Media Platform also presents free podcasts and Radio shows: The Being Curious Show and Edge Talk Radio on BlogTalkRado.
* For details about this listing, click on the "Title" above the "Go to Website" link – Your Health, Your Wealth, Your Energy!
Your Health, Your Wealth, Your Energy! Wishing you health above wealth and wisdom beyond knowledge. Premium natural health and healing resources. From 5G-EMF protection to thyroid, vision and heart health. We focus on expert natural health advisors. Our bodies are naturally self-healing. Accelerate your insight with us and self educate.
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Gudi’s Aromatherapy Blog
Discover the background of Aromatherapy as it originated in Europe. Learn about Aromatherapy Basics, proper use and oil safety from a Certified Aromatherapist and a specialist in the field. Both traditional European blending techniques and most recent developments make up the modals of healing created from Gudi’s Aromatherapy products.
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Healing 4 The Soul – Newsletter
Dawn and Renee are a mother-daughter team of therapists that find joy in spreading their knowledge of holistic approaches to wellness & living. Subscribe to our monthly Keep up with the Stars! Newsletter to get your astrological updates. Also get first dibs on new product releases and information on health and wellness from Dawn and Renee.
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Healing Alternatives – Blog
Our mission at Healing Alternatives, is to serve as many people as possible so they can regain their whole health naturally, and empower them so that they can inspire others to reach vibrant wellness. Read our Blog to learn more about natural therapies, products and supplements, super foods, and spirit / soul topics to help you on your life journey!
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Healing Touch Program Blog
Healing Touch is an energy therapy in which practitioners consciously use their hands in a heart-centered and intentional way. Healing Touch Program (HTP) is an educational program dedicated to the energetic therapy modality of Healing Touch (HT) as well as providing support for Healing Touch students, practitioners and instructors.

Visit our Blog to learn more about Healing Touch.
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Health Ranger Store – Blog and Newsletter
Health Ranger Store has several blogs on Natural Beauty, Health, Preparedness and Survival, and Recipes to try. Mike Adams, the "Health Ranger," is an outspoken consumer health advocate, award-winning investigative journalist, internet activist, and science lab director. Sign up for our Newsletter to receive VIP sneak peeks, health tips, recipes, and exclusive online offers.
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Sign up for our once-a-month newsletter interesting articles and information on natural health, personal growth, spirituality, metaphysical topics by or about some of our 40+ world renown hosts like Dr. Bernie Siegel, Lynne Andrews, Guy Finley, Susun Weed, Jonathan Goldman and more. To listen via most devices visit
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Heaven & Earth Catalog and Newsletter
Your source for Metaphysical Jewelry, Books, Crystals and Minerals for over 28 years. All your favorite minerals plus the rare and unusual. Gemstone jewelry in Sterling Silver and 14K Gold. We have thousands of items in our FREE Color Catalog. Newsletter included with Catalog and also published online, along with back issues. Email us or call 800-942-9423 to receive yours.
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Het-Heru’s Chamber Newsletter
From the Land of Pharaohs and Queens renowned for their spiritual teachings and beauty practices, Het-Heru's Chamber offers 'scentilizing' Sacred Oils and products that are reminiscent of being inside an ancient Egyptian chamber. Products with Spiritual Intent- for Love, Prosperity, Chakra Balancing and more. Join our newsletter to be informed of special offerings!
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Integrative Dentistry – Holistic Dental Care Blog and Newsletter
We know the reasons why holistic dental care is key in supporting your body’s vitality. Our comprehensive approach to cosmetic and holistic care ensures your path to a healthier, more beautiful and confident smile. Read Dr. Carey O'Rielly's blog to learn more about the benefits of holistic dentistry.  Sign up for his newsletter to receive information on new options as they become available.
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Jimmy Mack Healing – TGI Wednesday Newsletter
Join the FREE Fun - with Jimmy's TGIWednesday Newsletter! Jimmy Mack is a renowned medical intuitive and spiritual life coach. Healing Body, Mind, Spirit, People, Places, Things, Pets, and Situations. Enter to instantly receive a host of free healing audios, books & videos plus weekly updates, inspiration & unexpected gifts :)
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Juneva Health – Health Without Limits! Blog and Newsletter
Want to learn about Bioenergetics and Information Medicine, an exciting, emerging area of 21st century medicine as a more effective, holistic and life-sustaining approach that heals all living systems? Visit our blog and sign up for our monthly newsletter, with tips and content about bioenergetic topics and health & wellness topics to help you improve your well-being and supercharge your life.
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Kingdom College of Natural Health Newsletter
We have been a premier distance learning educator since 1993. All faculty members are practitioners of the healing arts. The knowledge gained at KCNH provides students a solid foundation from which to confidently engage in any aspect of holistic health care within their particular area of study. Sign up for our Newsletter.
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Matrix of Holistic Health Blog
Dr. Janina Ward is a traditional Naturopath, Janina believes in addressing the whole person. She is a member of the Chickasaw Indian Tribe and her practice focuses on Spiritual, Physical and Emotional healing using natural alternative herbal medicine, essential oils, hands on healing and mind body skills. Read her blog to learn about natural options you may want to try.
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NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy) Newsletter and Blog
The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) Blog and monthly e-Newsletter offers educational articles, safety updates, mini-marketing tips, monthly bookstore specials, calendar of events and more. NAHA is an educational non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing public awareness of the benefits of aromatherapy.
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Natural Life News – article archive
Natural Life News: Holistic & Healthy Living in the West. Wide range of topics to keep you healthy, wealthy and wise in body, mind and spirit. Nutrition, healthy weight loss, psychology, spirituality and more. Editor Denis Ouellette is an international holistic-health leader. Check out his article archive.
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Outsmart Your Cancer – Blog
Learn about the leading non-toxic methods for curing all types of cancer. Some of these proven methods are herbal, others dietary/nutritional, and still others are unique formulas that can only be ordered from special sources. Some of these approaches can even be safely used on dogs, cats, or horses with cancer!
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Parabola – The Search for Meaning, Newsletter and Blog
Award-winning PARABOLA explores timeless themes of human existence through the wisdom of sacred traditions, myth, symbols, folklore, rituals, and art of the world’s religious and cultural traditions. Free weekly e-mail includes news, special offers and Calendar noting spiritual holidays, relevant birthdays, anniversaries, and other notable dates. Enjoy our Blog & Podcasts too!
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Serendipity Meadows Blog
Serendipity Meadows is a Healing Arts Center in Quakertown. The 10-acre property has served as an oasis for clients of all ages, as well as a venue for educational events and special occasions. Check out our blog to learn about tips on how to enhance your intuition. Learn how to embrace and enhance the power already within you. Also be informed about upcoming events, news, and classes!
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Shira Plotzker – Psychic, Medium, and Pet Communicator – Newsletter
Psychic, Medium, and Pet communicator! Free Monthly Newsletters! One for pets and one for people! For the Pets! Featuring Pet of the Month! And all new events! With a chance to win a free Pet communication Session. For the People! So many great things! Need an uplift or an inspiration? Look no further! This newsletter showcases Many great uplifting FREE YouTube Mediation!
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Spiritual Medicine Blog
Morgana Wyze is a medical intuitive and an ordained minister. She had a near-death experience when she was seventeen. Her ability to use psychic gifts and to channel Divine energies are a direct result of her passage to Heaven and then her return. Check out her informative articles.
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The Clairvoyance School – FREE Lessons Blog
Clairvoyance school provides around 150 free online lessons. In order to best utilize these, have the ability to laugh at yourself and at life. In the eyes of the universe, we are all equally valuable. You are already clairvoyant; you just might have a bag over your head preventing you from "seeing".  The bag is made of doubt, fear, and belief in the physical illusion. Your lessons are in the left column. 
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The Life Energy Monitor
Explore the latest in Life Energy Publications and the Institute for Modern Holistic Alchemy (IMHA) with The Life Energy Monitor. Your go-to source for business updates, news, and bulletins, providing transformative insights and developments in the realm of holistic wellness and alchemy.
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Vega Star Healings Blog
DANIEL TEAGUE is an International Medical Medium and Metaphysical Healer. Daniel Is here to help energy empaths and energy sensitive people to identify, resolve energy and paranormal distractions in ones life in the form of relief. On his website he offers a "Psychic How To’s” blog to help people set intention, enhance their telepathy, and more.
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VibesUP Newsletter and Blog
Crystals, gemstones, and frequency oils all have their own Vibrational energy frequency. Check our our blog for those of you who thirst for knowledge and want a more in depth explanation of vibrational energy. Sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest updated news and breakthroughs on vibrational energy, along with new product announcements and coupons.
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Weird News – Newsletter
WeirdNews.Info covers a broad range of topics which are not generally covered in the "main stream" media. Including, but certainly not limited to weird news on health, nutrition, the body/mind connection, science, nature, metaphysical topics and much more. Sign up for our Newsletter!
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Wisdom Magazine Article Archive Blog
Wisdom of the Heavens, Earth, Body, Mind & Soul is a free holistic, spiritual and metaphysical magazine, published online, serving the holistic-minded community. Wisdom is one of the most popular sites of its kind, presenting a broad range of interesting and informative holistic, spiritual and metaphysical articles and interviews with world-renowned visionaries. Visit our article archive!
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