Find a Holistic Practitioner

Alternatives for Healing is a leading Alternative Medicine Directory for finding holistic practitioners and integrative medicine doctors.

Find a Holistic Practitioner

Alternatives for Healing is a leading Alternative Medicine Directory for finding holistic practitioners and integrative medicine doctors.

We have over 100 holistic and alternative medicine therapies with practitioners to choose from!  It is simple to find a practitioner with a specific therapy by offering three different ways to “Find a Holistic Practitioner”.  You can search for by county, statewide, nationwide, or internationally.

If you are unfamiliar with a particular holistic practitioners or alternative medicine doctor or holistic health therapy, please visit our Holistic and Alternative Medicine Therapy Definitions section to find a brief definition of the different therapies listed with us.

Please make sure to visit other areas of Alternatives for Healing to find great alternative medicine and holistic health information, we hope you find it is helpful as many of the other people that come to our website do.

What is Alternative, Complementary and  Integrative Medicine:

When alternative therapies are used in place of conventional medicine, it is considered to be alternative medicine. When alternative therapies are used in addition to conventional medicine, they are viewed as complementary medicine, also known as Integrative Medicine.

What is a holistic or alternative medicine practitioner:

Holistic Practitioners use an approach to medicine that emphasizes treating the person as a whole, with special attention to the interconnections of the mind and body and of the systems within the body. A Holistic practitioner medicine stresses the patient’s role in health care through such means as positive attitudes, sound diet, and regular exercise. With a Holistic Practitioner, the therapeutic emphasis is on supporting or stimulating the organism’s self-healing processes, rather than treating the symptoms or the disease.

What is a alternative medicine doctor:

Alternative Medicine Doctors use the approach to medicine that emphasizes treating the person as a whole, with special attention to the interconnections of the mind and body and of the systems within the body.

The main difference between conventional medicine and Alternative Medicine Doctors is they are concerned about the prevention of disease and pay attention to and deal with the cause by treating the body as a whole. It focuses on preventing disease before it starts. Alternative Medicine Doctors view the presence of disease as an imbalance of the emotional, mental and physical state of a person and endeavor to support and strengthen the immune system by natural means.

Integrative medicine doctors, what they do:

Integrative Medicine integrates traditional western medicine or conventional methods, breakthrough medical treatments, and alternative therapies such as massage, acupuncture, Naturopathy, nutrition and counseling for the total well-being of the patient.  For details, Click Here.


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