Animals. It’s always been about the animals for me. As long as I can remember, there has been an animal in my life, at my side, walking with me through thick and thin. Animals have always been my best friends, and since I was a little girl, I have understood them well, in fact, often better than my fellow humans.

I initially learned Reiki as a tool for self-healing. It was my dog, Dakota, who expanded my understanding and first helped me make the connection between Reiki and animals. He would lie awkwardly across my feet whenever I did a Reiki self-treatment. One day it dawned on me: he senses Reiki. Which led me to the next conclusion: he knows Reiki can help him. Which led me to the next realization: of his own choice, he is coming forward and accepting Reiki. I had almost nothing to do with it (other than sitting in a Reiki meditation myself), and yet he seemed to know exactly what was going on-not only was he participating in the energy healing treatment, he had taken it over for his own purposes. This series of “light bulb” moments was the beginning of what would become an eventual career change from Middle School Teacher to Animal Reiki Teacher, and the beginning of my life mission to bring Reiki to animals around the world.

Along the way, it has been my great honor and privilege to call many animals of many different species my Reiki teachers. Of course, I’ve got my human Reiki teachers too, and they have been an invaluable part of my journey. However, it has been while sitting with animals, in that quiet peace that is Reiki, that I have learned my most profound lessons about the nature of this energy. I share with you five of those lessons…  Read More

by Kathleen Prasad